Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis or Tendonosis
Dr. Peter J. Bregman, DPM
Top Rated Podiatrist in Las Vegas
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This is a condition where the main tendon on the inside of the ankle is damaged. It has been classified into 4 stages.
Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis or Tendonosis
This is a condition where the main tendon on the inside of the ankle is damaged. It
has been classified into 4 stages.

Each stage is treated differently and will also depend on your demands as far as work or sport.
Stage I
Usually Ice, topical medication, NSAIDs, Physical Therapy, Orthotics
Stage II
Usually needs an injection and we use Amniotic Tissue Graft to heal the tendon (Not covered by insurance) Orthotics or Ankle Brace. Surgery is sometimes needed at this stage (HyProCure Implant-not covered by insurance) Wearing a boot.
Stage III
Usually needs surgery, multiple procedures to correct foot position and repair the damaged tendon. May require 1 month of non-weightbearing. If surgery cannot be done then an Ankle-Foot AFO device is made.
Stage IV
Surgery is only option and usually requires 2 months of non-weightbearing followed by rehab for 2 months.
*Shockwave treatment along with Amniotic Tissue graft injection is a very popular non-surgical treatment it is not covered by insurance