Post Operative Instructions for Dr. Bregman
Dr. Peter J. Bregman, DPM
Top Rated Podiatrist in Las Vegas
Patient Resources
Take all medications unless you have a reaction or problem. None of the medications are mandatory but if you do have a problem with any of them contact Dr. Bregman by email. You will be prescribed Keflex, Gabapentin, and a Pain Medication- Keflex is an antibiotic and is taken 1 pill three times a day starting 8 hours after surgery….
Post Operative Instructions for Dr. Bregman
Take all medications unless you have a reaction or problem. None of the medications are mandatory but if you do have a problem with any of them contact Dr. Bregman by email. You will be prescribed Keflex, Gabapentin and a Pain Medication- Keflex is an antibiotic and is taken 1 pill three times a day starting 8 hours after surgery. Gabapentin is a nerve medication and helps limit the pain it is not a pain med- you will take 2 pills two hours before surgery then 1 pill twice a day. Your pain medication will be taken as needed. Take lOOOmg of Vitamin C once daily for 6 weeks. Take 2 extra strength Tylenol once a day for 1 week after surgery. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK 12 HOURS BEFORE SURGERY EXCEPT FOR YOUR GABAPENTIN, which you can take with small sips of water along with any other medication you regularly take. If you are taking one pain pill such as Norco or Percocet and it is not helping take 2 pills as directed if this is not working email Dr. Bregman
Elevate and ice non stop for the first 48 hours.
Use a big bag of frozen corn; get four bags and rotate them. Put on the area where the surgery was done and wrap with ACE wrap if possible. Keep the leg elevated above the heart, even when sleeping; use 2-3 pillows. You should only get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Wiggle your toes and move your leg while resting.
Check your temperature twice a day;
if over 102.5 degrees, call the doctor. If you get chills or night sweats, call the doctor. Blood clots are rare in foot surgery but if you have pain in the calf with swelling, please call us.
Keep your dressing DRY.
Do NOT shower unless you are told that you can. The dressing you left the hospital/surgery center with is not to be undone unless you are told otherwise. Also, some bleeding through the dressing is normal but if it is still dripping the next day, please call the office.
It is normal to have numbness for up to two days after surgery.
Check your circulation, touch the tips of the toes and make sure they blanch and return to 11 pink 11 color. If they turn blue or purple or white, call the doctor.
Be aware of your post-operative appointment, which should be made 3-5 days after your surgery if you forgot to make one call the office to do so.
Weight-bearing status:
Please use your crutches/walker or knee roller and remain off the foot until you are told that you can bear weight. If you have to fall, try to land on your buttocks. Physical therapy may or may not be prescribed. If you would like to have it, please ask.
If you have any problems or concerns that are not an emergency, please call the office and leave a message, or you can email the doctor at If you have an emergency situation, call the office and ask for the doctor. If a doctor is unavailable, please go to the emergency room or call 911.
**Our surgical scheduler and Admin, will contact you before your surgery with your arrival time**