Bunion Surgery/Treatment Options
Dr. Peter J. Bregman, DPM
Top Rated Podiatrist in Las Vegas
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Bunions are a genetic disorder caused by a splaying of the first metatarsal bone away from the second. They are not caused by shoes but can be made worse by them. The main reason they are painful is there is a nerve that will often be sitting right over the bunion eminence and so when a shoe rubs against it there will be pain.
Bunion Surgery/Treatment Options
Bunions are a genetic disorder caused by a splaying of the first metatarsal bone away from the second. They are not caused by shoes but can be made worse by them. The main reason they are painful is there is a nerve that will often be sitting right over the bunion eminence and so when a shoe rubs against it there will be pain. Trying wider shoes and orthotics can be helpful but will not stop or cure it.
Lapidus Fusion 2-6 weeks NWB for severecases your bone quality will also determine this as well Scarf procedure 4-5 days NWB Most common performed for moderate to severe case Akin procedure – Often done inconjunction with Scarf usually fixated with a staple All of these procedures have been done hundreds of times or more by Dr. Bregman and in most cases are pain free after surgery. Physical therapy is often recommended after surgery and laser treatment if available.